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Water well rigs are used to drill a hole through the soil and rock layers to reach groundwater. Not all water wells are drilled the same way, but rotary drilling is the most common method. Steel casing is then put in the borehole to stop it from collapsing and to prevent surface water from getting into the well. Site-specific factors (i.e., formation and location) will be evaluated to determine the appropriate drilling method to be utilized for your well.
American Artesian Well is proud to offer its customers the following professional services …
The majority of drilled water wells in Massachusetts are “set” into bedrock anywhere from 100 to 500 feet. The depth and gallon per minute yield of your well will depend largely on your specific geography. We can give you average depths based on local drilling records. The average GPM in Massachusetts is 6.75 gallons, but unacceptable yields may be increased with techniques like Hydrofracking.
For instances where a bedrock well is not the answer for you, we offer other solutions for your drilling needs.
Hydrofracturing, commonly referred to as hydrofracking, is a well development process that involves injecting water under high pressure into a bedrock formation via the well. This is intended to increase the size and extent of existing bedrock fractures, thereby enlarging the network of water bearing fractures and size of the area supplying water to the well.
The procedure is often used to increase well yields of new deep drilled water wells with marginal or inadequate production rates. It may also be applied to older existing wells that have progressively diminished recovery rates over time usually caused by mineralization and incrustation of rock fractures.
Upon completion of drilling and well installation activities, a submersible pump is placed in the well. A pitless adapter is used to divert the water from the well into the home, all the while keeping the water lines below the frost level.
Homeowners with a private well should test their well water once a year. Most wells do not require chemical treatment because the water moves straight from the soil or rock into the house.
American Artesian Well is not only in the business of drilling new water wells. We offer repair and deepening services, for existing wells, to keep clean water flowing into your property.